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Bridger Vet is equipped to handle both soft tissue and orthopedic surgical cases.  Patients are carefully monitored under anesthesia during procedures to reduce the risk involved.  Patients are throughly examined prior to the procedure and if additional diagnostics such as blood work need to be performed to keep patients safer, a doctor or technician will be in contact before the procedure moves forward.  The staff is also aware that surgical procedure are not done until the patient is well.  We continue to take an active role in your patients recovery including rechecks, rehabilitation and pain management. Surgery is a team effort, even after the patient goes home safely. 

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Bridger Vet is also in a unique situation to be able to offer some equine surgical procedures.  The clinic is equipped with an equine surgical suite which allows the doctors at Bridger Vet to lay down horses in a safe environment or even use a lift system to place them on a surgical table for longer procedures.  We work hand-in-hand with local equine surgeons to get your horse the best case possible wether it is in our surgical suite or theirs.  

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